

I’ve been taking pictures since grade school.  I took some classes in the film era, and had a darkroom for awhile. I fell in love with the freedom of digital photography and the editing process.  Composition is my passion, and almost any subject will do.

I’m currently using a Sony DSC-HX300, and a Nikon Coolpix A900.  For years I used a Nikon P7000, which was my all-time favorite camera.  Sadly it died, and Nikon no longer makes them.  I’ve also used a Sony Alpha 300, a Sony DSC-H, a Sony Cybershot, and an Olympus C8080, a Nikon D60, Nikon P100, and a Sony Mavica.  My film camera was a Pentax ME, and of course I started with a Brownie!

I grew up drawing and painting, and I took lots of art classes in high school and college.  For me, art is a personal expression, an escape, therapy, and just fun!  I love acrylics and watercolor both, and drawing.  During the pandemic I started a “COVID Journal” and painted a picture every day.  Some were just quick ideas, some I worked on endlessly.  Currently I’m working on going back and finishing them all.

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